
Australian man finds unique way to help annual red crab migration

Australian man finds unique way to help annual red crab migration An eco-lodge operator on Australia's Christmas Island is getting some attention this holiday season with a unique plowing attachment for his jeep.

The plow helps sweep red crabs that swarm the beach this time each year to spawn.

Park Rangers here have had to close many roads on the island as the crabs migrate during December.

This forces visitors at a nearby lodge to either walk or take a longer detour to reach their destination.

Rather than taking the detour, Chris Bray, Swell Lodge's owner, has installed four "crab sweepers" onto his jeep that gently moves the crabs off the road, instead of running over them.

The deflectors were just recently approved by Parks Australia.

Park authorities have installed multiple underpasses and a bridge so the estimated 40 million crabs who live on the island can crawl over or under the roads.

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