
Helping the homeless before my dog got sick

Helping the homeless before my dog got sick # Go Fund Me ... In October 2019 I decided I was gonna help the homeless and kids in school and really who ever needed it. So I started asking for donations online and I went to collect them all and I was so excited to do this! But around December 2 My make Biggie who you see on my channel and on my Instagram and on my Go Fund me well he started to get really sick and I knew it was his heart because I had to put one of my dogs down for the same really when I was 23 and they signs are the start of Congested heart failure and I pray everyday I was wrong when he got sicker it was a weekend and the vets wanted $1500 to $3000 just to see him and check him and that wasn’t for fixing him. I am a single mother on disability cause of my seizures I had they took my licence away and said I couldn’t work and I also have a leaky valve in my heart and fibromyalgia and chronic back pain! I can prove all I say I am 100% honest! I also raise a 13 year old boy my son and my 14 year old niece and trust me disability gives me
Less than $1500 to live a month and I have 4 dogs and one cat.. my female star her Allergies are acting up and she has got that cough now also just a little. But back to biggie I couldn’t get no help from anywhere so I had to use my December rent to bring him to a cheap vet who gave star shampoo for her rashes which don’t work and antibiotics and pain pills for Biggie which isn’t what he needs but that was worth a try and all I could afford. I have to pay the landlord back the money I was short or I have to leave and this close to Christmas as you can see I can’t put my tree up someone told thy would come take the donations but still didn’t come and I can’t afford anything for my kids anyways and my Sons birthday is on Dec 26 he will be 14!
I need help please for my dogs to see a good vet get the treatment they need so I can’t start resting easy and stop crying I am
Sure my kids are being hurt by this all! I’m sorry for
That! My full story is on my Go Fund me Page and all I need is help getting my Go Fund me Out their for people to see cause I’ve tried and I can’t so please can someone help me just get my story out and my Go Fund Me noticed ??
Thank you!
I made this video because for some reason my Go Fund Me Page said I can only download videos from my YouTube Channel like I wasn’t embarrassed enough!! So this is why I am sharing this and also to show I am real and I truly need a blessing


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