Today i would like to show about" Today jade unhappy make jayden cry many time & jade give some lesson to jayden | 4ever Monkey #119 "
This's 4EVER MONKEY Channel.I would like to show the life of monkey living in forest near temple like angkor wat, bayon, south gate of angkor thom temple etc....and i want to save all of them for visit. if we have a lot of monkey come to play near temple can make tourist in local or tourist come from oversea visit and attractive, all monkey animal can make tourist interesting and happy to take picture with them. we try to take video from them everyday to watch them and give some food to them.we can have conservation for animal living everyday and provide local people have job for living so i hope you appreciate my channel and enjoyed my video everyday.Please help to SUBSCRIBE like share and comment on my videos and I going to find good videos for you.I would to say thank you for watching my videos.
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Note about daily active of monkey living:
1 - Time for monkeys wake up
Monkeys usually wake up in the early morning around 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, and it depend on the weather if the weather has rain or gloominess, so all monkeys wake up longer than normal. All monkeys sleep on the tree, and they never sleep on the ground at night.
2 - Lunch time
Monkeys take a rest after lunch and go to stay on the tree by following their king. Mom monkeys feed milk to their baby on the tree when baby hungry or need milk. The adult monkeys take a nap after lunch. Around time 2:00 PM the leader or king monkey leads his members to climb down from the tree to find food on the ground. They like eating worm, grasshopper and natural fruits.
3 - In the evening
The king monkey leads his group go to bed usually around 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM if the weather is not raining. If the weather is raining, so monkeys go to sleep faster than normal.
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