
xMac, 14' MacBook Pro, 16' MacBook Air, iMac XDR: Where are these missing Macs?

xMac, 14' MacBook Pro, 16' MacBook Air, iMac XDR: Where are these missing Macs? Get 2 months of unlimited access to thousands of SkillShare classes for free! Just go to

Apple’s really been bringing the fire over the last couple of years. A lot of products that had fallen off the radar, or simply fallen off, have been brought back. Some with swagger. Some, with a vengeance.

We got a new big iPhone with Max, and updated MacBook Air, Mac mini, iPad Air, iPad mini — basically, all the airs and minis — and, most recently, a new MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, and Pro Display. Yeah, all the Pros too.

But, big and badass as some of these products are — they’re not all the products. Even now, at the end of the decade, there are still some gaps in Apple’s lineup. Some holes. Some products just plain missing in action.

So, since I’m me, I figure I’m going to list them all out all video like and let you know which, if any, I think we might actually have a chance of seeing in the next year or few. Starting with the Mac.



MacBook ARM:

Multitouch Macs:



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