
BWT Video Lesson - 01|08: Market Review, Executed & Filled EOD Signals, and New Signals For Thursday

BWT Video Lesson - 01|08: Market Review, Executed & Filled EOD Signals, and New Signals For Thursday Due to extreme time-constraints due to the overall market there is no mid-week recap. Instead I am making public my daily video lesson that I do for all members. Aloha. Overall market analysis, executed and filled EOD signals, and new EOD signals for Thursday's session.

For an in-depth explanation and analysis of how I trail my GTC SELL STOP and how I set my GTC SELL LIMIT targets please watch this video lesson using $HEPA and $EVH as examples:

***REMINDER: When trading intraday I only focus on 2-4 stocks at the open max and only have 1-2 open trades intraday max. On an EOD basis using my trend following/swing trading methodology the ideal position/size is 10 stocks 10% capital in each and recommend no more than 5 stocks at 20% capital per position and no less than 20 stocks at 5% capital per position for new/beginning traders. However, I will hold up to 100 stocks with 1% capital in each if there are 100 signals, the market is not lined up (hasn't been lined up for over a year now--monthly TSV is my ultimate guidepost), and they are all working. I am focused intraday and I let the computer work for me EOD.***

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.


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