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Permaculture Principle #8: Integrate Rather Than Segregate.
Much of our western worldview is based the assumption that humans are somehow separate from nature. This has caused so many problems, from the mass extinction of species to the over-exploitation of forests, rivers and soil through extracting what we commonly call 'resources'. Interestingly, in many indigenous cultures, these aspects of nature aren't referred to as 'resources' put on the Earth for us to do with what we please, but something that more closely translates to 'friends' - entities within themselves with whom we can form relationships.
It is this view that permaculture sets out to establish and spread, so that by designing thoughtfully, we can create healthy habitats for all living things to thrive in their own right , rather than just serve a function we allocate to them to fulfil our human needs.
The more elements we integrate into a system, building a biodiverse range of plant, animal & fungi species, the more of a resilient ecosystem is formed, which in turn will support us as a byproduct of its very existence.
To get to the point of working with the landscape, however, we first need to form functional relationships within our own species, so that we can cooperate and build these regenerative systems together.
Therefore, this song is mostly about people. In the hope that we can see past our differences and work together using our diversity as a strength to build a more liveable world.
Performed by Charlie Mgee.
Filmed at Melliodora by Brenna Quinlan.
cc. 2019 Charlie Mgee/Formidable Vegetable