![QuickBrainPower - There is No Normal, reference points, Bart and Jeff Las Vegas 2019 consulting QuickBrainPower - There is No Normal, reference points, Bart and Jeff Las Vegas 2019 consulting](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kqArZHEz0n0/maxresdefault.jpg)
[Music],using or what they have no they're not,you have to sort of accept not be,offended by what they're saying,also my people on the you can recognize,that it's offensive but you can't take,offense yeah and I noticed people that,there's the worst they're saying they,don't even know they're saying them it's,just the thoughts it's their mind,thinking that they're expressing,verbally they're not it's not a personal,attack it's just how they communicate it,is and you got to know how to maintain,your composure and not not crack let's,just move on we have so many topics,right now here about ten pages of topics,so let's keep going,there is no normal that's one of my,favorites so we live on planet Earth in,the year 2019 in the space-time,continuum,wouldn't we be having this conversation,a thousand years ago or we be like you,know hunting for like mooses with like a,spear night yeah right so normal is,relative to the year you live in to the,country you live in and even within our,country in the region your upbringing,the nature-nurture nature nurture debate,there is no normal Jeff what's your take,you know it reminds me of that Nike,campaign love them are head-on the Colin,Kaepernick commercial when he says don't,ask if your dreams are crazy ask if,they're crazy enough so that to me means,sometimes if someone calls you a weirdo,that can be a good thing that just means,you're different you're a typical don't,be I think you really creativity,creatively and say is entrepreneurial,way you really people take it to the,next level when they just be themselves,and not be concerned with what other,people think or judge you can't not be,who you I have to be yourself,in all of us but what do you think that,in terms of like a physics perspective,like a reality perspective like like not,have like people need to understand that,there's no reference point right you can,literally do anything you could walk out,like dressed as like a like a polar bear,you know and then like,just roam the streets of making videos,you know you can see like make pranks or,whatever people calling crazy but then,that sort of stuff gets attention gets,millions of hits on YouTube right like,anything anything normal has no value,basically right correct even Johnny Depp,when he played Captain Jack Sparrow,first Disney they want to pull the plug,you you're walking around like a drunk,and sick on Keith Richards and Johnny,Depp said hey look just just go with it,keep it a shot I think it's gonna work,and Disney's sure enough they're like,alright yeah we went this far we can't,turn back now then Captain Jack Sparrow,one of the most beloved characters,involved motion picture history Ray's a,unique take and that franchise made it I,don't know at least 1 billion maybe more,so there is no normal that's I know that,once people can actually get behind that,concept it's super important because a,lot of people want to be in that,comfortable warm swimming pool water of,like normalcy like you don't want to,stand out because then you get cruises,the criticism from your parents get,criticized by your friends get,criticized by your teachers and,co-workers even the whole social media,putting yourself out there are know a,lot of females are imaginary scenario,like you know your buddies go out to the,bar and you know everybody has a,Heineken and then you you drink like a,corona or something or even whatever,kind of situation anytime you're not,normal it's always you're under pressure,right and then and then just accepting,the fact that you don't have to cave,into normalcy right yeah and two things,part I think that blends into once you,once you get comfortable being,uncomfortable that's because then people,get involved in a group think rape and,then a group thinks makes you have a mob,mentality and then you can't be a,critical thinker with the mob mentality,where you're referencing and pinging off,each other,yeah and investing going contrary and,sports betting yeah the best thing,you'll just oh this is a popular stock,everybody just sells buys it at the same,time sells it you know you know the,masses get slaughtered right that's,correct so yeah you know there's there's,great value and standing up for what you,even being yourself and then confidence,that some of the best salespeople are,confident whatever it is charisma they,just pull it off whatever decision they,make if they get lost oh it's a good,thing because they some other new,opportunity was uncovered,so I guess once you just stop caring and,just be yourself and embrace that what,makes you and yeah yeah yeah you can,actually become yourself one thing we,need to stop having reference points of,normalcy,oh okay next topic entropy and laws of,physics entropy is a thermodynamic,concept it's very deep I'm I love the,word I love the concept and as much as I,I must expert on entropy I there's,probably a whole new level that I I,do