Tamra Janies; Space Rent Stabilization Mobile Home Owners Coalition
Tamara breaks it down with surprising data that will shock you and provides such valuable information for the people, their parents, grandparents and everyone!
Tamara Janies fills us in on the predatory practices that are happening in our mobile home communities that effects more than 22 million people and how John Oliver covered some of the issues in a 20 minute video in April 2019, where he talks about how one in 18 people in America live in a Mobile Home or Trailer, and one of America's last Affordable Housing options up to 50% less per square foot than conventional site-build homes, which is great but in some of the recent years some of the biggest investors have moved into this industry and that according to one recent report over a hundred thousand home sites traditionally run by mom and pop businesses are now owned or even partly owned by private equity firms like "The Carlyle Group, TPG, Blackstone" So the homes of some of the poorest people in America are getting snatched up by some of the biggest and richest people in America! The high rise in big-money investors in mobile home has led corresponding spike in rents fees which have been covered in several news stories where it is jeopardizing many of the mobile home peoples lives including trying to stretch needed medication in order to save money for 36% to 60%+ rent space increase. Tamera talks about how no one is talking about how Mobile Home Owners have no where to go, and even if you are aware of our County's Section 8 Program, which is a voucher program where they will pay for 2/3rd of your rent if you qualify there are several problems associated with that program.
One of the problems is that it takes about 8 years to end up with a voucher if you are lucky.
Tamara also talks about how when she applied for Section 8 Program, they told her that they hadn't opened her application that she applied in 2016 and that they have not opened the New list of People for anyone that applied since prior to 2008! Which is over 11 almost 12 years, when Tamara asked when they thought that they would get to hers, they told her that they hadn't even finished more than 500 applicants from 2008! And how this is really not a viable solution for anyone unless those people are on the streets, because Section 8 Program does make those on the streets a priority.
Represents Mobile Home Owners who is excited about all the progress that she has made in the last year and a half.
You can watch John Oiliver's video here:
To learn more about Tamara and the Mobile Home Owners Coalition: EDMOC.org
Mobile Homes: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
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