This is the closest thing to the original COD4 M16 in Modern Warfare. We are using the M4A1 with the .458 Socom and Burst Perk in Search and Destroy. Enjoy the video!
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Instrumental produced by Chuki:
modern warfare,modern warfare search and destroy,modern warfare snd,mw snd,modern warfare m16 og,modern warfare m16,modern warfare m16a4,modern warfare m16 blueprint,modern warfare m16 iron sights,modern warfare m16 burst,m16 modern warfare,m16a4,m16 mw,modern warfare socom m4,modern warfare socom rounds,modern warfare socom m4a1,modern warfare m4 socom burst,m4 socom burst,m4 socom burst modern warfare,imhandler,m4 burst fire,m4 burst fire modern warfare,