
A Journey Into the Milky Way Galaxy Documentary - The Most Interesting Galaxy in the Universe

A Journey Into the Milky Way Galaxy Documentary - The Most Interesting Galaxy in the Universe We live on a planet called Earth that is part of our solar system. But where is our solar system? It’s a small part of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and of stars and their solar systems. A galaxy is held together by gravity. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, also has a in the middle.

There are many galaxies besides ours, though. There are so many, we can’t even count them all yet! The looked at a small patch of space for 12 days and found 10,000 galaxies, of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Some scientists think there could be as many as galaxies in the universe.

Some galaxies are spiral-shaped like ours. They have curved arms that make it look like a pinwheel. Other galaxies are smooth and oval shaped. They’re called elliptical galaxies. And there are also galaxies that aren’t spirals or ovals. They have irregular shapes and look like blobs. The light that we see from each of these galaxies comes from the stars inside it.

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