
[LIVE] Coronavirus# Real Time Counter2020 World Map

[LIVE] Coronavirus# Real Time Counter2020 World Map Novel #coronavirus #Live# Streaming: #Breaking news, world Map and live counter on confirmed cases, recovered cases(COVID-19). I started live stream at . For someone who wants to know the number and progress of worldwide spread of Coronavirus, I offer this live stream. The purpose is not to make feel fear or comfortable to someone. I just present data to help percieving current situation. Data on screeen is official number announced by China National Health Commision(NHC) and each countries media and CDCs. Now I am tring to show it without error. (I was doing this with python code. While I am working and sleeping, error might be occured. please don't be surprised.) Data sources: DXY, Tencent, Wikipedia. Many comments in live chat is about the number on screen is not 'real'. I admit the possibility of being many people suffered without diagnosis and treatment in Wuhan. As you already know, Wuhan's medical resources have been in shortage due to the number of patient are over which they can manage. The NHC couldn't classify undiagnosed patients as confirmed cases. I think this reflects Wuhan's extremely bad situation we can never imagine. I hope these numbers will be dramatically reduced as improving diagnositc capacity, medical equipments. I think we are seeing the worst scenario of virus infection - it is what happening in Wuhan(Wuhan still have possilbity of getting worse). And other province of China seems to be greatly better than Wuhan. I live in south korea. COVID19 . to be stable. But I think we need to be warned not to enter advanced stage such as untracted local transmission-----***************************.------------- Although screen was crude with weird numbers, many people have been supported me. Especially, I appreciate all moderators for willingly accepted it. They have been share precious time to this live stream - Max Mustermann, Stephanie Hughes,

M Hello my friends, I returned again to explain the hacking of video games and exclusive explanations. I apologize for the long absence.I was in difficult circumstances. Please subscribe to the channel and activate the alert

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🍀,Coronavirus,live counter,live stream corona,live map,coronavirus live map,corona virus breaking news,Novel Coronavirus breaking news,coronavirus update news,Live Streaming Novel Coronavirus,

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