
Lower (LDL) Cholesterol FAST With Niacin (Vitamin B3) Supplementation!

Lower (LDL) Cholesterol FAST With Niacin (Vitamin B3) Supplementation! USA, UK And Worldwide Supplier Recommendations For Niacin (Vitamin B3) Are Shown Below:

(USA) Niacin 1000mg -
Niacin 50mg -
Niacin Powder -
Digital Scales 0.001G -

(UK) Niacin Powder -
Digital Scales 0.001G -

(Worldwide) Niacin 100mg Capsules -
Niacin 500mg Capsules -

Lower (LDL) Cholesterol FAST With Niacin (Vitamin B3) Supplementation!

Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health
When taken at doses greater than the RDA, niacin confers an array of health benefits. Niacin:

* Increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) by 20-35%. No other available over-the-counter treatments, and very few drugs, are as effective.
* Decreases small low-density lipoprotein (small LDL) particles. Small LDL is an important yet under appreciated cause of heart disease. Niacin is the most effective agent known for correcting this abnormal pattern.
* Decreases triglycerides by 30%. Niacin is especially effective when taken with fish oil (at doses of 4000 mg a day, providing 1200 mg of EPA/DHA).
* Decreases very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles.
* Decreases lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a). No other treatment approaches the power of niacin to reduce the genetically determined pattern of high Lp(a), which is among the most serious risk factors for heart disease.
* Decreases low-density lipoprotein (LDL), usually by 20-40 mg/dL, or 5-25%.

Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Fewer fatty acids are passed through to the liver, resulting in fewer VLDL particles. Less VLDL leads to less small LDL and higher HDL.

Niacin also improves endothelial function and nitric oxide synthase activity.
Niacin’s benefits are not limited to its influence on blood markers of cardiovascular disease risk. It also reduces heart attack risk dramatically.

The Coronary Drug Project was the first to establish that niacin is a powerful agent in lowering heart attack risk.

When more than 1,000 heart attack survivors were given 3000 mg of (immediate-release/crystalline) niacin daily for six years, the incidence of recurrent non-fatal heart attacks was reduced by 27%, and the number of strokes was reduced by 26%.2

In the well-known HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study (HATS), 160 participants were given niacin and simvastatin (Zocor®) or a placebo.

Compared to the placebo group, the group receiving niacin and simvastatin experienced a 90% reduction in death and myocardial infarction over three years.

3 In other words, coronary events were nearly eliminated. Although the study sample was small, its results are striking. By comparison, statin drugs alone typically reduce heart attack risk by 25-35%. The 90% reduction achieved in the HATS trial thus is truly remarkable.

Despite niacin’s track record, many physicians have never learned how to use it effectively. Statin drugs have caused many physicians to forget how effective niacin can be.

This is a shame, because niacin can be a powerful agent in combating heart disease, when used alone or in combination with other supplements.

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The Supplements I Use:
Thorne Research - Multi-Vitamin Elite -
Allmax Creatine Monohydrate:
Lugols Iodine 5% (6.25MG per drop) -
Magnesium Malate -
Carlson Labs Super DHA -
Aura CBD Oil 20% -

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