
Should We Change the Size of Congress? [Article I Initiative]

Should We Change the Size of Congress? [Article I Initiative] How are Congressional seats allotted to the various states? Why has the total number of seats remained the same, despite the population growth of the United States? Former Representative Martin Frost, Professor Derek Muller, and Professor Keith Whittington explain the size and structure of the House of Representatives today and as envisioned by the Founders. They then discuss the pros and cons of expanding the size of the House, including repercussions for the Electoral College.

The Honorable Martin Frost served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1979 to 2005. He is currently the President of the Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC).
You can follow Hon. Martin Frost and his work at @HonMartinFrost

Derek Muller is a Professor of Law at Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law.
You can follow Derek Muller and his work at @derektmuller

Keith Whittington is the William Cromwell Nelson Professor of Politics at Princeton University.
You can follow Keith Whittington and his work at @kewhittington

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

This project is part of the Federalist Society’s Article I Initiative, which explores the proper role of Congress according to its constitutional design. To learn more, please visit the Article I Initiative website:

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Related Links:

Wyoming Rule

A Bigger House is a Bad Idea, Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg

American Needs a Bigger House, New York Times Editorial Board

#fedsoc,federalist society,conservative,libertarian,fedsoc,federalism,fed soc,Congress,House of Representatives,congressional seats,Electoral College,

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