
How to Recognize Signs of Oral Cancer

How to Recognize Signs of Oral Cancer Examine your mouth regularly. Most cancers of the mouth and throat cause some identifiable signs or symptoms during their early stages, but not all do. In some cases, cancers dont cause symptoms until they’ve reached an advanced stage. Regardless, doctors and dentists recommend that in addition to regular checkups, you should carefully look at your mouth in a mirror at least once a month to check for any abnormal signs. Look for small white sores. Check all around your mouth for small white sores or lesions, which are called leukoplakia by doctors. Leukoplakia are common precursors to oral cancers, but they are often misdiagnosed as canker sores or other small ulcers caused by abrasions or minor trauma. Leukoplakia can also be mistaken for bacterial infections of the gums and tonsils, as well as Candida yeast overgrowth in the mouth.

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