
How to take a NORMAL PERSON climbing (So they want to come again)

How to take a NORMAL PERSON climbing (So they want to come again) Ever wanted to share the wonders of climbing with your non-climbing friends? Ever got round to convincing them to join you only for them never to return?
BUT WHY!? You did all the fun stuff with them! Campusing, co-ordination dynos! You even showed them how easy it can be!
You EVEN went straight to overhangs and skipped all the lame technique could they not want to come back?!?!
WELL LOOK NO FURTHER! Here is the video for you! Follow this step by step guide and we assure you you will have more climbing buddies than you could hope for.
DO BE WARNED: the effect of this introduction to climbing might be that your friends climb V10 before you. :D

BIG UPS to Simone for being the best old buddy ever!
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