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More precisely, electrical power! I'm going to walk you through two great, frequently curated data sets and we'll create a series of maps to see who has and who doesn't have access to this essential and life-altering source of energy.
Tell me this, what would go through your head if you just hauled your luggage to your hotel room and couldn't get connected to the internet using the supplied address and password, or worse, you find out that your hotel doesn't offer wifi??? You'd wonder what antiquated century you just walked into... in my family, it would be an instant mutiny, they'd probably have me walk to the plank if I couldn't find a close-by internet cafe or even another hotel...
But did you know on this planet, 1 in 10 of our brothers and sisters, right now, don't have access to electricity??? It is mind-boggling - wifi, for those unfortunate folks, is the least of their worries, they're like stuck on a never-ending camping trip, a very rough and unsafe camping trip
### Less than 1 Billion without Electricity
But there is progress, according to the IEA, The Paris-based International Energy Agency, for the first time ever, the total number of people without access to electricity fell below 1 billion, I guess that's great, but 1 billion?? I guess it's all relative and those that just got onto the grid, are ecstatic - I couldn't do any of this without it.
And, I am sure you can guess where these that still don't have it are - 67% of the developing world, mostly rural areas, again mind-boggling. If we go back to the map, we clearly see...
So, if you are thinking about getting into the energy generating field and what to know what are the in-demand areas, this will tell you where they are. We really need smart and motivated people to lower that one billion down to zero as quickly as possible. I think it is critical for everybody to know this and know exactly what is going on and the things we take for granted, aren't that way for all!
### Two Great Data Sets
We'll use two great data sets, one the World Resources Institute - it is a research organization focusing on different critical issues like climate, energy, food, pollution. We'll use their Global Power Plant Database which lists some 30,000 power plants from 164 countries broken down by types - Hydro, Solar, Wind, Gas, Coal, Oil and more.
WE'll look at power per country and also power per capita. For that we'll join a second great data set from United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs which gives current population estimates per country and even extrapolates those numbers well into the future, some 80 years out - though we won't need this here.
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